
双圆极化频率复用数传链路极化损耗影响分析 被引量:6

Analysis of Influence on Polarization Loss in Dual-polarized Frequency-reuse Data Transmission Link
摘要 对双圆极化频率复用技术的原理进行了说明,并介绍了影响链路性能的关键参数——交叉极化。通过对遥感卫星极化复用数据传输链路的分析,从工程应用的角度研究了交叉极化的产生及其对链路极化损耗的定量影响。可为极化复用数传链路的设计原则和方法提供借鉴。 The paper explains the theory of the dual-polarized frequency-reuse technology and in- troduces cross-polarization which is the key factor affecting the link performance. Based on the analysis of the dual-polarized data transmission link of remote sensing satellite, the generation of cross-polarization and its quantitative contribution of link polarization loss are studied from the viewpoint of engineering application. Furthermore, the design principles and methods of dual- polarized data transmission link are proposed in this paper.
出处 《航天器工程》 2012年第6期98-102,共5页 Spacecraft Engineering
关键词 遥感卫星 数据传输 双圆极化频率复用 极化损耗 remote sensing satellite data transmission dual-polarization frequency-reuse polari- zation loss
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