目的 :研究羟基聚磷酸钙钠 (HPA)、羟基磷灰石 (HA)、生物玻璃陶瓷 (BGC)和纯钛 (Ti) 4种硬组织替代材料对成骨细胞的骨钙蛋白 (OCN)分泌量、碱性磷酸酶 (ALP)活性的影响 ,探讨这 4种材料的生物相容性。方法 :采用SD乳鼠颅顶骨成骨细胞进行体外培养 ,把HPA、HA、BGC和Ti粉分别制成材料浸提液 ,将培养成活的成骨细胞接种于材料浸提液中 ,培养 8d后测定其OCN分泌量、ALP活性。结果 :钛对骨钙蛋白分泌量有抑制作用 (P <0 0 5 ) ,4种材料对碱性磷酸酶活性均无不良影响。结论 :OCN分泌量、ALP活性能够反映不同硬组织替代材料的生物相容性 。
Objective: To evaluate the effects of the four implant materials, hydroxyl poly calcium sodium phosphate (HPA), hydroxyapatite (HA), bioglass ceramics (BGC) and titanium (Ti) on osteocalcin secreting amount and alkaline phosphatase activity of rat osteoblasts cultured in vitro, and expose the biological compatibility conditions of the implant materials as well as the index to estimate cytocompatibility. Methods: The powders of HPA, HA, BGC and Ti were sterilized and made into extracted solutions with 199 culture medium,and the isolated osteoblasts which were taken from three day old sparague Dawley rats' calvaria, were incubated in 199 culture medium too. Then the osteoblasts were mixed and incubated into the four kinds of extracted solutions of the implant materials. After eight days of co incubation, the cells were taken out to measure alkaline phosphatase activity with velocity analysis, and the extracellular liquid was used to estimate osteocalcin secreting amount with radioisotope analysis. Results: ①Osteocalcin secreting amount of the osteoblasts co incubated with HPA, HA, BGC were as normal as the control, while that of other cells co incubated with titanium was reduced (P<0.05). ②Alkaline phosphatase activities of all the co incubated osteoblasts were as normal as the control. Conclusion: The osteocalcin secreting amount and alkaline phosphatase activity can reflect the biological compatibility of implant materials, and they may be used as indexes to evaluate biological compatibility condition of implant materials. ;
West China Journal of Stomatology
国家自然科学基金资助项目 !(编号 39330 0 90 )