
蕴含生命意义的学校文化诊断研究 被引量:2

School Culture Diagnostic Study Contains the Meaning of Life
摘要 蕴含生命意义的学校文化包含物质文化的人文性、制度文化的人道性和精神文化的生命性三个基本特征。从生命哲学的视角对学校文化进行诊断,主要是诊断学校文化的类型以及生命意义的体现程度。诊断结果可以为学校生命文化重构提供参考。本研究依据自主设计的问卷,在对多所学校进行诊断的基础上,以浙江省两所特点不同的学校为案例,对诊断结果进行了分析,并提出了针对性建议。在此基础上进一步提出构建学校生命文化,要注意营造人文乐园,重视制度上的情感关怀,在精神文化上加强文化陶冶,丰富生命体验,回归生活世界。 School culture contains the meaning of life reflecting the humanities of school material cultural,the humane of institutional culture,and the life of spiritual cultural.The diagnosis for school culture based on life perspective is the diagnosis for school culture type and for the embodiment of the meaning of life in the school culture.The result of the diagnosis can provide a reference for the reconstruction of school life and culture.Based on the two self-designed questionnaires conducted in a number of schools,the study analyzes the diagnostic result and puts forward specific proposals,proving the significance and value of school culture diagnostic in the perspective of philosophy of life.To build a school culture of life,there is a need to establish the concept of "life education" to create a humanistic theme park in the school's material and culture,to emphasize on emotional care in the institutional culture and to strengthen the cultural mold.In that case life could be enriched to the living world.
出处 《教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期8-14,共7页 Education Science
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划教育部重点课题"经济发达地区中等教育优质均衡发展的文化机制研究"(DFA110213)
关键词 学校文化 生命 诊断 School Culture life diagnostic
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