
社会关系强度对社交网络中应用接受意愿的影响研究 被引量:5

The effect of the strength of social relation on applications'usage intention in social network
摘要 本研究结合技术接受理论、社会影响理论探讨了社交网络中影响社交网络用户对平台中应用接受意愿的因素。本研究通过具体的社交网络平台新浪微博展开问卷调查并收集数据,运用SPSS20.0软件对596个有效样本数据进行分析。实证分析结果表明:信息性社会影响、规范性社会影响两个外在影响因素,感知易用性、感知有用性两个内在影响因素对社交网络平台中应用的使用意愿都有显著的正向影响;信息性社会影响和规范性社会影响对社交网络平台中应用的感知有用性和使用意愿的影响将受到社会关系强度的调节作用,社会关系强度会正向调节信息性社会影响与感知有用性、规范性社会影响与感知有用性、信息性社会影响与使用意愿、规范性社会影响与使用意愿之间的关系。 This paper combines TAM and social influence theory to discuss factors influencing user's intention to use an application on a social network.We collected data on Sina Weibo by questionnaires and analyzed the 596 valid samples using SPSS software to verify our hypothesis.We focus on the moderation effects of the strength of social relation on the relation between social impact factors and perceived variables、intention to use.The empirical results show that informational and normative social influence of two external factors,perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness of the internal influence factors have a significant positive impact on the intention to use applications in the social networking platform,and the strength of social relation has positive moderation effect on the relation between informational social influence and perceived usefulness,the relation between normative social influence and perceived usefulness,the relation between informational social influence and intention to use,and the relation between normative social influence and intention to use.
出处 《中国科技信息》 2012年第23期80-82,共3页 China Science and Technology Information
关键词 社会关系强度 信息性社会影响 规范性社会影响 使用意愿 社交网络应用 strength of social relation informational social influence normative social influence usage intention application on social network
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