目的 了解和掌握华支睾吸虫在苏北南通不同人群中的感染情况 ,分析和找出华枝睾吸虫感染与人们的年龄、职业和生活尤其是饮食习惯等因素之间可能存在的联系。方法 应用 PVC- Fast- Dot- EL ISA法检测受检者血清华枝睾吸虫抗体。结果 华枝睾吸虫抗体总阳性检出率为 3.92 % (17/ 434)。其中厨师、渔民区 2 0岁以上成人及个体户老板华枝睾吸虫抗体阳性检出率分别为 6 .45 % (2 / 31)、5 .5 9% (9/ 16 1)和 4.2 9% (3/ 70 ) ,明显高于正常对照组 (0 .86 % ,1/ 115 ) ,统计学上差异显著。 (x2 值分别是 3.5 2、4.0 1和 2 .2 8,P值均 <0 .0 1)结论 苏北南通华枝睾吸虫人体感染的情况不容忽视。华枝睾吸虫感染与职业以及接触生鱼和吞食半生不熟的鱼虾的机会密切相关。建议有生鱼接触史或经常食用生及半生不熟鱼虾者必须定期检测华枝睾吸虫抗体 。
Aim In order to understand infective conditions of Clonorchis sinensis in different populations in Nantong. Methods The antibodies of Clonorchis sinensis in fishermen area and cooks and shopkeepers et al. were investigated with PVC Fast Dot ELISA. Results The average detective rate of Clonorchis sinensis antibodies was 3.92% (17/434),the detective rate of Clonorchis sinensis in residents of fishermen area, cooks and shopkeepers (6.45%,2/31,5.59%,9/161、4.29%,3/70)was obviously higher than that of in the normal control group(0.86%,1/115).There was a significant difference in the statistics(X 2=3.52,X 2=4.01,X 2=2.28,P<0.01).Conclusions ①There is human infection of Clonorchis sinensis in Nantong area.②The data emphasizes that the infection of Clonorchis sinensis has a strong association to do with occupation and contacting with raw fishes and opportunity of eating raw fishes and shrimps.③It is recommended that the people of common eating raw fishes and shrimps must be examined and treated regularly.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses