
后颅窝扩大重建术治疗Chiari畸形 被引量:8

Posterior fossa reconstruction for the teratment of chiari malformation
摘要 为评价后颅窝扩大重建术 (Posterior fossa reconstruction,PFR)治疗 Chiari畸形的效果 ,对 7例有手术适应证的 Chiari畸形病人施行后颅窝减压 -硬脑膜扩大修补术 (即后颅窝扩大重建术 )。定期随访 ,并与本院以往施行的传统后颅窝减压术 (Posteriorfossa decompression,PFD)作对比分析。结果表明 :经过 6个月~ 3年 (平均 1年 2个月 )随访 ,PFR组有效率为 85.7% ,PFD组有效率为 60 .0 %。PFR组各种并发症发生率均明显低于 PFD组。提示 :PFR是治疗 Chiari畸形的有效方法 ,且术后并发症少 ,可作为外科治疗 To evaluate the effect of posterior fossa reconstruction (PFR) for the treatment of Chiari malformation, 7 cases of Chiari malformation were treated surgically using PFR, followed up regularly and compared with the traditional method of posterior fossa decompression (PFD).The results showed that the response rate in group PFR was 85.7%, while that of in group PFD was 60.0%.The incidence of postoperative complication in group PFR was significantly lower than that of in group PFD.The finding suggested that PFR was a more effective method for the treatment of Chiari malformation,meanwhile there were less postoperative complications.It is considered that the method of PFR can be used as the first choice of surgical treatment.
作者 许小兵 师蔚
出处 《西安医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 2000年第3期279-280,284,共3页 Journal of Xi'an Medical University(Chinese)
关键词 CHIARI畸形 脊髓空洞症 后颅窝扩大重建术 chiari malformation syringomyelia surgical treatment
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