

An experimental study of motion of the first tarsometatarsal and the naviculocuneiform joints underaxial loading force
摘要 目的通过测量第1跖跗关节和舟楔关节在足部结构完整状态时受距小腿轴向应力下不同乎面的运动范围,了解其活动度,为临床诊治相关足部疾患提供实验依据和参考数据。方法利用电子万能实验机对7个成人新鲜冰冻足部完整状态标本分别加载以0、100、400、700N垂直负荷并采集数据。通过数字散斑相关计算软件对由图像采集仪采集的原始灰度图像进行计算,最终获得第1跖跗关节在矢状面和水平面的转角位移以及舟楔关节在矢状面的转角位移。结果在700N载倚下,第1跖跗关悔欠状面转角位移仅为1.81°±0.63°,水平面仅为1.56°±0.59°,舟楔关节矢状面转角位移仪为1.09°±0.56°。结论第1跖跗关节以及舟楔关节具有一定的活动度,但仍属于微动关节,住轴向负重下活动度较小。 Objective To measure tile motion of the first tarsometatarsal and navieulocuneiform joints under axial loading force. Methods Data were collected after 7 intact specimens of adnh fresh-frozen foot subjected to vertical loads of 0 N, 100 N, 400 N and 700 N in an electronic universal test machine. The original gray images taken by charge-coupled device were analyzed and calculated using the digital speckle calculation software to obtain the angle displac.ements of the first tarsometatarsal joint in sagittal and transverse planes as well as the angle displacements of naviculocuneiform joint in sagittal plane. Results Under the load of 700 N, the motion in the sagittal plane of the first tarsometatarsal joint was 1.81°± 0. 63° and that of the navicolocuneiform joint was 1.09°± 0. 56° while the motion in the trans- verse plane of the first tarsometatarsal joint was 1.56° ±0.59°. Conclusions The first tarsometatarsal and naviculocuneiform joints have a relatively small motion range. Under axial loading, the first tar- sometatarsal and navieulocuneiform joints have poor nmtion ability.
出处 《中华创伤骨科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期1072-1075,共4页 Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma
基金 国家自然科学基金(30640058)
关键词 足疾病 跗骨 足关节 数字散斑技术 Foot diseases Tarsal Bones, Foot joints Digital speckle technique
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