
某部甲型H1N1流感疫苗及季节性流感疫苗的接种效果与不良反应 被引量:1

Study on inummological effect and adverse reaction of influenza A (H1N1) vaccine and seasonal influenza vaccinein a military unit
摘要 目的了解甲型HIN1流感(pH1N1)疫苗和季节性流感疫苗(SIV)接种后的不良反应和疫苗接种前后的血清抗体水平变化,评价流感疫苗的安全性及免疫原性。方法760例符合要求人群随机分为pH1N1疫苗免疫组(VH组,460人)和SIV免疫组(VS组,300人),分别接种pH1N1疫苗和SIV,观察接种不良反应;应用微量血凝抑制试验(HI)方法对人群接种前、后进行血清抗体检测。结果760名疫苗接种者共发生不良反应57例(7.50%),未出现严重的不良反应。其中Ⅷ组发生不良反应为29例(6.30%),VS组发生不良反应为28例(9.33%),两组间不良反应的发生率差异无统计学意义(X^2=2.40,P〉0.05)。疫苗免疫21d后,VH组抗-pH1N1流感病毒抗体阳转率为95.65%,几何平均滴度倒数(GMRT)高达1:424.4(95%CI:325.07-523.76)。VS组抗.季节性流感病毒GMRT上升至1:183.8(95%CI:71.32-296.28)。结论pH1N1疫苗具有良好的安全性和免疫原性,适宜无接种禁忌症人群的普遍接种。 Objective To understand the antibody levels and adverse reaction (ADR) of healthy people before and after vaccinating pandemic influenza A H1N1 (pH1N1) vaccine and seasonal influenza vaccine(S1V), and then evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of pH1N1 vaccine and SIV. Methods A total of 760 subjects who met the requirements were randomly individed into 2 groups: the pH1N1 vaccine recipients group (VH group, n = 460) and the SW recipients group (VS group, n = 300). The ADR after immunization of 2 groups were recorded and analyzed respec- tively. The sera antibody levels were separately detected before and after immunization with two vaccines by the hemagglu- tination inhibition (HI) test. Results The total ADR rate of 760 cases was 7.50% (57 cases), including 29 cases (6.30%) in VH group and 28 cases (9.33%) in VS group. ADR rate had no significant difference between 2 groups ( g2 = 2.40, P 〉 0.05). No serious ADR was observed. Twenty one days after vaccination, anti-pH1Nl-positive sero- conversion rate was 95.65%, GMRT was estimated as 1:424.4(95% CI:325.07-523.76) in VH group; in VS group, the GMRT of anti-seasonal influenza virus increased to 1 : 183.8(95% CI: 71.32-296.28). Conclusions The pH1N1 vaccine shows good safety and immunogenicity. It is suit for the crowd without contraindications of vaccination universally.
出处 《国际流行病学传染病学杂志》 CAS 2012年第6期382-385,共4页 International Journal of Epidemiology and Infectious Disease
关键词 流感病毒A型 H1N1亚型 疫苗 不良反应 微量血凝抑制试验 抗体阳转率 Influenza A virus, H1N1 subtype Vaccines Adverse reaction Micro-hemagglutination-inhibifion Antibody positive seroconversion rate
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