
EZMS:支持EZ-Flow的工作流管理系统 被引量:2

EZMS:A Workflow Management System for EZ-Flow
摘要 业务流程与服务的结合为企业实现跨部门的业务自动化和业务目标的达成奠定了基础。在竞争日益激烈,服务计算和业务流程迅速普及的应用环境中,企业不仅要实施业务工作流的流程定义、建模、测试及执行,还需要完善的业务流程管理(BPM)功能:在运行时对业务数据及运行状态进行查询监测,并能根据业务变化对工作流做出及时响应和调整。近年来广泛关注的业务物件(business artifacts或artifacts)同时包含业务数据和流程执行状态,自然地反应出业务数据语义及运行逻辑。以artifacts为核心概念的EZ-Flow工作流模型不仅易于业务专家理解建模,并且支持执行时的即席查询(ad-hoc query)。文中实现了支持EZ-Flow的工作流管理系统(EZMS),以XML表示EZ-Flow的模型定义,执行引擎以单一任务调度器完成基于事件的任务调度,任务执行器则以多线程方式并行处理人工或自动任务(Web服务),业务流程及其运行状态基于Hibernate和DB2实现关系数据和XML文档的存储及访问,并在运行时允许用户借助SQL和Xpath完成即席查询和监测。通过实现EZ-Flow的执行语义,EZMS使得流程动态改变易于实现。 The combination of workflow techniques and Web service serves as a basis for automation of business processes that spun mul- tiple departments for specific business goals. With the prevalence of SOC ( Service Oriented Computing) and business processes,organi- zations need not only defining,modeling, testing and executing business process, but also complete functions of BPM( Business Process Management) including,in particular,querying business data and process status at mntime and rapidly responding to process changes. In recent years, artifact-centric worktlow that naturally reflects the core business data and process logic has emerged as a prominent approach to modeling and development of business workflow. As an artifact-centric workflow model, EZ-Flow is easily understood by business stakeholders and enables support for ad-hoc query during execution. It reports an implementation of a workflow management system named EZMS ( EZ-FIow Management System). The execution engine of EZMS includes a scheduler to handle events and dispatch to task performer to execute human tasks or Web service tasks in a multi-threaded fashion. EZMS uses Hibernate with DB2 to store artifact instances and workflow execution states using relation as well as XML store;it supports ad-hoc query on these data at rontime using SQL and Xpath. Through supporting EZ-Flow workflow schema creation,execution,und execution monitoring,EZMS also makes dynamic modification of workflows easy.
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2012年第12期1-6,10,共7页 Computer Technology and Development
关键词 工作流 业务流程管理 业务物件 EZ—Flow 业务流程管理系统 workflow business process management business artifact EZ-Flow workflow management system
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