
基于代理的OSGi服务平台的容错扩展 被引量:1

Proxy Based Fault Tolerant Extensions to OSGi Service Platform
摘要 近年来随着软件技术的飞速发展,基于构件的软件开发已经成为软件工程领域的发展趋势,OSGi(open servicesgateway initiative)作为一种成功的构件平台模型,已经在普适计算和软件构件领域得到广泛应用。OSGi规范本身并不适合分布式环境,于是产生了以OSGi为基础,为适应分布式环境而建立的平台R-OSGi。由于分布式系统的特性,软件出错的概率要远远高于集中式系统,因此分布式系统要求有很高的容错性,但是目前OSGi平台并不能够提供一个有效的容错机制。因此文中提出了一种基于代理的OSGi服务平台的容错扩展,该扩展显著地提高了OSGi的容错能力。文中提出的容错扩展概念已经被实现,此外基于该扩展还开发了一个可容错打印服务的应用。 With the rapid development of software technology in recent years, component-based software development has become a trend in software engineering. OSGi ( open services gateway initiative) as a successful component platform model has been widely used in the field of pervasive computing and component-based software. OSGi specification is not designed for distributed environment. As an OSGi -based platform, R-OSGi is established in order to adapt to the distributed environment. Due to the characteristics of distributed systems, the software error rate in distributed systems is much higher than that in centralized systems. In this case, distributed systems require high fault tolerance. But the current OSGi service platform is not able to provide an effective fault-tolerant mechanism. In this paper,propose a proxy-based fault-tolerant extension to the OSGi service platform, which significantly improves the fault-tolerant capability of OSGi. The design concept was implemented and additionally a fault-tolerant print application,which is based on this extension,was also devel- oped.
机构地区 上海交通大学
出处 《计算机技术与发展》 2012年第12期29-32,37,共5页 Computer Technology and Development
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60970010) 国家"973"重点基础研究发展计划项目(2009CB320705)
关键词 OSGI 代理 容错 服务 OSGi proxy fault tolerant service
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