
基于结构函数的功率MOSFET器件热阻研究 被引量:6

Research on Thermal Resistance in the Power MOSFET Device Based on Structure Function
摘要 热阻是衡量功率MOSFET器件散热能力的重要参数,对其准确测试与分析具有重要意义。基于结构函数理论,同一功率MOSFET器件在不同条件下进行两次实验,通过积分结构函数分离点来确定器件热阻。该方法简单准确,可重复性好,实验测试结果为0.5 K/W,与有限元(FE)建模获得的0.44 K/W符合较好。对比两不同批次器件的微分结构函数,其中一种器件微分结构函数发生0.2 K/W偏移,超声波扫描(SAM)发现该器件焊料层存有空洞,该方法可用来判断器件内部工艺的好坏。 The thermal resistance is an important parameter of power MOSFET device,which is used to reflect the ability of heat dissipation.It is worthy to accurately measuring and analyzing the thermal resistance of power MOSFET device.Two kinds of cumulative structure function are obtained by two experiments under different conditions.The separation point of two kinds of cumulative structure function can be specified as the thermal resistance of junction to case of power MOSFET device.This method is simple,accurate and repetitive and the experiment result 0.5 K/W accords well with the Finite Element Method 0.44 K/W.Compared two different differential structure functions and the shift of one differential structure function is identified.Further research based SAM demonstrates solder layer void causes the shift of differential structure function,which can be used to identify the technology of device.
作者 肖超 王立新
出处 《电子器件》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第5期489-492,共4页 Chinese Journal of Electron Devices
关键词 功率MOSFET器件 热阻 结构函数 超声波扫描 焊料空洞 power MOSFET device thermal resistance structure function SAM solder layer void
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