目的 :探讨贲门癌组织中多药耐药基因 (MDR1)表达与其病理特征的关系。方法 :应用逆转录多聚酶链反应 (RT PCR)方法 ,对 5 1例贲门癌组织、癌旁及 35枚淋巴结中MDR1基因的表达进行检测分析。结果 :贲门癌组织中MDR1阳性 18例(35 3% ) ,癌旁组织MDR1阳性 2例 (3 9% ) ,两者比较差异具有显著性 (P <0 0 5 )。 2 1枚转移淋巴结组织MDR1阳性 6例(2 8 6 % ) ,14枚非转移淋巴结中未见MDR1阳性表达 ;MDR1表达阳性与肿瘤大小、浸润程度、病理分期及淋巴转移与否虽无统计学意义 ,但在TNMⅢ、Ⅳ期和肿瘤侵犯深肌层以上的MDR1基因表达阳性率增高 ;低分化贲门癌的MDR1阳性分布明显高于高分化肿瘤 (P <0 0 5 )。对部分病例随访发现 ,MDR1阳性者肿瘤复发与转移的总发生率 (46 2 % )高于MDR1阴性者(2 1 1% )。结论 :贲门癌组织中存在着原发性MDR1基因表达 ,并与转移淋巴结组织的MDR1基因表达具有一致性 ,MDR1的表达除了表现肿瘤的多药耐药外 ,还可能是贲门癌恶性行为的观察指标 ,提示预后不良。
Purpose To evaluate the expression of MDR1 gene and its relation to pathological feature of cardiac cancer. Methods A serious of 51 resected tumor tissues from cardiac cancer patients and 51 paracancerous tissues and 35 lymph node tissues were analyzed for MDR1 gene expression by RT PCR method. Results The MDR1 positivity rate differed significantly between cardiac cancer tissue (35 3%) and paracancerous tissue (3 9%) (P<0 05). The MDR1 positivity rate in metastatic lymph node was 28 6%. There was not positive expression of MDR1 gene expression in nonmetastatic lymph node. The MDR1 gene expression in undifferentiated tumor was significantly higher in comparison with well differentiated (P<0 05). In deeper muscle invaded by tumor, positivity rate of MDR1 gene expression (37 5%) was higher in comparison with invasion to superficial muscle(18 2%). The MDR1 positivity rate in stage Ⅲ、Ⅳ tumor tissues (41%) wss still higher than that in stage Ⅰ、Ⅱ(25%). In addition, positive expression of MDR1 gene did not be associated with tumor size and lymph node metastases. The recurrence or metastasis rate with MDR1 positive cases was higher(46 2%) than that with MDR1 negative (21 1%) by follow up of these patients. Conclusion Overexpression of MDR1 gene in untreated cardiac cancer is consistant with that of its metastatic lymph node tissues, and may be regarded as a prognositic marker.
Chinese Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology