用酶联免疫吸附试验 (ELISA)间接法检测狂犬病疫苗免疫人体后的抗体含量 ,共检测 93份人血清 ,结果表明 :敏感度为0 5 1IU/0 1ml,特异性强 ,重复性好 ,变异系数为 9 82 %。与小鼠中和试验 (MNT)比较 ,二者具有平行关系 ,敏感性优于MNT ,符合率为 98 9%。本方法改变了以往ELISA法有滴度无国际单位的情形 ,对快速定量检测狂犬病疫苗免疫人体后的抗体水平。
An indirect ELISA for rabies post-vaccination antibody determination has been developed. A total of 93 human serum samples were tested, the results showed strong specificity and good reproducibility. The sensitivity could reach 0.51 IU/0.1ml and the coefficient of variation was 9.82%. The sera were also tested by mice neutralization test(MNT), the results were parallel with ELISA method and their coincidence rate was 98.9%. The sensitivity of indirect ELISA assay was higher than MNT. The results of ELISA thus can be reported as international units per 0.1 milliliter (IU/0.1ml). It can be recommended as a rapid, sensitive and reliable technique for quantitative assay of rabies post-vaccination antibody.
Chinese Journal of Vaccines and Immunization