目的分析老年无症状性脑梗塞(SBI)、SBI痴呆发病与血浆内皮素(ET)、降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)含量关系。方法经临床与头颅 CT或 MRI扫描检查确诊的 42例 SBI和 18例 SBI性痴呆患者。晨间取肘静脉血5毫升、EDTA二钠抗凝,分离血浆-20℃下采用免疫分析(RIA)法统一检测。结果42例SBI和SBI性痴呆组血浆ET和CGRP分别以59.71、87.23、5074、41.21高于或低于对照组的 50.18、57.46,两者差异显著; P <0.05~0.01。 SBI性痴呆组ET的增高和CGRP的降低较SBI组显著, P <0.01。结论 ET增高、CGRP降低与 SBI及SBI痴呆的发病密切相关,如能早期有效地防治 SBI,将能降低SBI性痴呆的发病率。
objective: To study the plasma levels of ET-1 and CGRP in the patients with SBI and SBI dementia, to research the method of prevation and treatment in early stage. Method: The patients were clinical confirmed in diagnosis, and inspected with CT MRI, there were 42 cases of SBI and 18 cases SBI dementia. We took elbow venous blood 5ml on morning,EDTANa2 as anticoagulant,welasmaET-1 and CGRP were assayed with RIA Qt-20℃. Rsults: Plasma ET and CGRP in the patients with SBI and SBI dementia were 59.71, 876.23, 50.74, 42.21 respecratly which were higher and lower than the levels in patients of controul groups significantly P<0.05-0. 01,ET-1 and CGRP in the groups of patients with dewmentia was varied ignificantly P<0.05. Conclusion: increased ET and lecreased CGRP were related to SBI and SBI dementia, if we could effective treat cure the disease, we will the rate of SBI dementia will decrease.
Chongqing medicine