
美国基础教育中“课程实施调查”模式与启示——学业评价与课堂教学一致性的视角 被引量:1

The Model of Curriculum Implementation Investigation in American Basic Education—From the Perspective of Alignment between Achievement Assessment and Classroom Teaching
摘要 美国在基于标准的教育改革的背景下,从改善教师课堂教学质量出发,致力于研制学业评价与课堂教学一致性分析工具,即"课程实施调查"模式。"课程实施调查"模式的框架性内容包括两方面:一是"课程实施调查"基本程序,即界定描述教学内容的同一语言及确定描述教学内容与认知要求的"维度";二是"课程实施调查"的具体方法,即确定二维矩阵的一致性指数及分析结果的呈现方式。 Under the background of the educational reform based on standards,in order to improve the classroom teaching quality,the United States try to developing the analytic tool of the alignment between academic evaluation and classroom teaching,which is named as model of curriculum implementation investigation.The model includes two parts,firstly,the basic procedure of curriculum implementation survey,which means to define the same language for the description of the teaching content and determine the dimension of the description of the teaching content and cognitive requirements,secondly,the specific methods for curriculum implementation survey,which means the confirmationof the consistency index for two-dimensional matrix and the ways of the presentation for the results.
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第12期54-59,共6页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 “课程实施调查” 学业评价 课堂教学 一致性 curriculum implementation investigation achievement assessment classroom teaching alignment
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