
英国高等教育优质教学:释义与批判 被引量:3

Teaching Excellence in Higher Education of the UK:Paraphrase and Criticizing
摘要 为促进高校教师教学能力的提升,提高高等教育教学的地位,2000年以后,英国政府和高校将高等教育优质教学实践放在了高等教育发展的重要位置。实践活动离不开理论研究的指导。英国高等教育优质教学含义和内涵的不确定性使其实践类型多种多样,而对高等教育优质教学的批判又对这一理念的发展提出了挑战并提供了新的契机。对高等教育优质教学内涵的阐释不能脱离研究者的价值立场和高等教育的发展环境,而对其批判性的思考更有利于我们客观地理解这一理念的发展。 In order to promote the teaching ability of teachers in higher education,and also improving the status of teaching,after the year of 2000,the government and universities of Britain put a great emphasise on the study of teaching excellence in higher education.Practical activites cannot be conducted without theory,the uncertainty of the meaning and connotation of teaching excellence in higher education of the UK makes its practical type diverse,the criticism of teaching excellence in higher education challenges the development of the concept and provides a new opportunity.The interpretation of connotation of teaching excellence in higher education should be done with the investigators' standpoint of value and the environment which higher education is in,and thinking about teaching excellence in higher educaiton in a critical way is good for us to understand it more objective.
作者 曹艳玲 陈欣
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第12期113-121,共9页 Studies in Foreign Education
关键词 英国 高等教育优质教学 内涵 批判 the UK teaching excellence in higher education connotation criticize
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