The author identifies four interrelated characteristics of "new internationalism". 1. Socialism is not just a slogan. It is an internal value appeal. 2. Realization of socialism world- wide is not intended to be a direct goal; Instead, emphasis is put on promoting an alliance with healthy, open, and rational nationalism, focusing on development of a variety of socialism in the world and on the struggle against various forms of hegemony with the purpose of creating factors, conditions and relations that may benefit the establishment of a harmonious world.. 3. Sticking to the dialectical view that ideology is both transcendent and non-transcendent in the international community, and avoiding unnecessary ideological disputes to seek common ground while reserve differences. 4. Conlribute to seeking solutions to global problems. In order to figure out this problem theoretically, critical reflections on the relations between the interests of national states and common interests of mankind, between nationalism and internationalism, between internationalism and ideology, and between internationalism and social system at the methodological level are necessary.
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