

A Study on Staggered Pulse Technology for Ionospheric Sounding Radar
摘要 由于脉间相位编码脉冲串的脉冲间隔是均匀的,在单站雷达体制下不可避免地存在探测盲区。这些盲区均匀地分布在探测距离门上,将影响探测效果。文中提出了一种组间参差重复周期脉间二相编码脉冲串,它解决了均匀脉间相位编码脉冲串的盲区问题,同时具有均匀脉间相位编码脉冲串的所有优点。并且该波形在高频段具有较好的射频干扰抑制效果,特别适用于电离层探测雷达等设备。 Abstract:As the pulse interval of pulse phase coded pulse train is uniform, inevitable blind ranges exist in the monostatic radar system, these blind ranges are evenly distributed in the detection ranges. The detection results would be affected by these blind ranges. A staggered inter pulse by-phase coded pulse train is presented, which solves the blind range problem of the uniform pulse phase coded pulse train, and had all the advantages of the uniform pulse phase coded pulse train. The waveform has good radio fre- quency (RF) interference suppression effect in the high frequency band, and is especially suitable for the ionosphere detection ra- dar equipments.
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期28-31,37,共5页 Modern Radar
关键词 电离层探测 参差脉冲技术 组间参差重复周期脉间二相编码脉冲串 ionospheric sounding staggered pulse technique interblock staggered repeat cycle interpulse two-phase coded pulse train
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