目的本实验旨在评价GlideScope可视喉镜在气管插管教学中的带教效果。方法选取麻醉系本科实习医师20名,随机分为对照组(A组)、实验组(B组),每组10人。对照组和实验组分别采用普通喉镜和GlideScope可视喉镜带教气管插管,随后对两组实习医师进行考核。结果对照组插管成功34例,失败26例,成功率56.7%,实验组成功47例,失败13例,成功率78.3%。实验组成功率明显高于对照组。结论 GlideScope可视喉镜在气管插管带教中优势明显,值得在临床教学中推广。
Objective This study aims to evaluate the GlideScope video Laryngo scope in clinical teaching.Methods 20 undergraduate intern of the Department of anesthesiology were randomly divided into the control group and the study group,10 in each.The control group and the study group were taught with ordinary laryngoscope and GlideScope video Laryngoscope respectively,who followed anassessment.Results In the control group,34 cases of successful in tubation was completed,26 cases in failure.In the test group 47 cases of successful intubationwasachieved,13 cases in failure.Compared with the controlgroup,the success rate of thestudygroup was higher significantly.Conclusion With the obvious advantages,GlideScope video Laryngoscope is worth to promote inclinical teaching.
China Practical Medicine