

Numerical Implementation and Application of Plastic Sub-loading Surface Model for Over-consolidated Soils
摘要 为了研究软土固结等复杂的非线性本构关系,考虑超固结参数、潜在强度、硬化参数之间的相互影响,将基于Hvorslev面的超固结土的本构模型和大型非线性有限元计算软件ABAQUS结合起来,编写了相应的有限元本构模型子程序。通过用户子程序UMAT接口实现了该模型在软土结构分析中的应用,为正确评估和预测土体本构关系提供了一种简便有效的方法。以深隧洞的开挖为例,用此方法实现了土体结构的本构关系模型,使得计算结果更加接近实际情况,能够比较合理的模拟实际工程。 To study the complex nonlinear constitutive relation of soft soil consolidation,and considering the overconsolidation parameter,potential strength,and the interactions between hardening parameters,the overconsolidated soil's constitutive model based on the Hvorslev face is combined with the large nonlinear finite element calculation software ABAQUS to compile the corresponding finite element constitutive model's subroutine.Then,the application of this model in the structural analysis of soft soil is realized by user subroutine UMAT interface,therefore,providing a simple and effective method for the proper evaluation and prediction of soil's constitutive relation.Taking the excavation of deep tunnel for example,the soil's structural constitutive model can be realized by this method.Since the results are close to the reality,this model is able to simulate the actual engineering structures properly.
作者 黄杰 李持庆
出处 《水利与建筑工程学报》 2012年第6期40-43,共4页 Journal of Water Resources and Architectural Engineering
关键词 塑性次加载面模型 超固结土 非线性 有限元分析 深隧洞开挖 plastic sub-loading surface model overconsolidated soil nonlinear finite element analysis deep hole excavation
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