百年来对义和团运动的认识,标志着人们对中国现代化进程中几个重要难题的理解方式。作者从四个方面对义和团运动作出评价: 1.如何看待西方国家恃强凌弱与西方现代制度的关系; 2.如何看待中国政治现代化和民主化进程与对外观念变革之间的必然联系; 3.如何评价中国国民的非理性信仰方式和信仰传统及其对中国现代化进程的影响; 4.如何评价皇权社会中以蒙昧主义信仰为基础的"群众运动"。
The Boxer Uprising is reevaluated in this paper in light of the following four aspects:1)the relationship between power politics and the modern political systems in the west;2)the change of ideas and concepts in the process of modern democratization in China;3)the impact of irrational beliefs on China' s modernization;4)the evaluation of' mass movement' based on uncivilized beliefs in an obscurantist monarchy.
Open Times