佛教是 9— 15世纪间维吾尔族祖先回鹘人所信奉的主要宗教 ,对维吾尔族的历史文化影响甚巨 ,但史书记载甚鲜 ,幸赖敦煌诸地出土的大批回鹘文佛教文献 ,才使这一史实逐渐明了。本文以这些文献为依据 ,指出回鹘文佛经大多转译自汉文 ,另有一部分译自藏文 ,仅有极少数译自梵文或吐火罗文 ;回鹘之佛教术语多取自汉语 ,而非梵语 ;回鹘佛教文献的语言也深受汉语的影响。文章进而指出 。
Buddhism was the main religion believed by the Huigu people, the ancestry of the Uygur ethnic group, during the period from the 9th century to the 15th century and gave a great influence to the historical culture of the Uygur ethnic group, however, there were only few and rare records in history; thanks to the vast amount of Buddhist documents in the Huigu script unearthed in Donghuang and other places. the above-mentioned historical fact gradually known more and more clearly by the people. Based on these documents, this article points out that most of the Buddhist scriptures in the Huigu script were re-translated from those in the Han written language, another part were re-traslated from those in the Tibetan written language, while only a tiny part were translated from Sanscrit or the Tuhuoluo script; the Buddhist terms in the Huigu script were mostly borrowed from the Han language, but not from Sanscrit; the language in the Huigu Buddhist documents were also greatly affected by the Han language. Then the author points out that the Huigu Buddhism may be regarded as the reproduction of the Han areas' Buddhism in the Western Regions.
Ethno-National Studies