

摘要 1995年“美济礁事件”之后,南海局势日趋缓和,特别是2002年中国与东盟共同发表《南海各方行为宣言》之后,南海局势进入了一个缓和的平静期。但自2007年以来,越、菲、马等声索国不断在南海问题上制造事端。例如,越南在南沙争议海域划定油气招标区块,任命所谓的“黄沙岛县”(中国的西沙群岛)人民委员会主席和“长沙岛县”(中国的南沙群岛)副主席,向联合国大陆架界限委员会提交南海“外大陆架划界案”;菲律宾则单方终止“中菲越三方联合海洋地震勘探项目”,
作者 陈庆鸿
出处 《国际资料信息》 2012年第11期34-38,47,共6页
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  • 1Ralf Emmers, "The De-escalation of the Spratly Dispute in Sino-Southeast Asian Relations", Security and International Politics in the South China Sea. Towards a Cooperative Management Regime, eds, Sam Bateman and Ralf Emmers, (Routledge,2009),pp.135-137.
  • 2http.//www.state.gov/seeretary/rm/2010/07/145095.htm.
  • 3"Japan Dives into South China Sea Flap with China", http.//ajw. asahi.com/article/behind_news/politics/AJ2011110616738.
  • 4吴士存,朱华友主编.《聚焦南海.地缘政治、资源、航道》序言,中国经济出版社,2009年,第1页.
  • 5周小兵.“东南亚.转向亚洲区域内市场”,http.//www.21cbh.com/HTML/2012-3-20/30MDY5XzQxMTE30A.html.
  • 6[美]迈克尔·克莱尔著,童新耕等译.《资源战争:全球冲突的新场景》,上海译文出版社,2002年版,第25—26页.
  • 7曹云华.东南亚国家的能源安全[J].当代亚太,2000(9):25-30. 被引量:10
  • 8The World Factbook, https.//www.cia.gov/library/publications/ the-world-factbook/geos/rp.html.
  • 9梅新育.“谁推动了油价上涨?”《时事报告》,2010年2月5日.
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  • 2Federal Information and News Dispatch, Inc. , "Senator Webb Completes Landmark Five Nation Visit throughout Asia", August 24,2009.美国之音,2009年8月20日报道.
  • 3Greg Torode, "A classic display of McCain resilience", South China Morning Post, April 11, 2009, p. 12.
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  • 5Dan Blumenthal, Resident Fellow, AEI, Testimony Before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Subcommittee on Asia, Hearing on Maritime Territorial Disputes in East Asia, before the Committee On foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, First Session, Wednesday, July 15, 2009.
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  • 7Robert Ross, "Beijing as a Conservative Power", Foreign Affairs, March 1997 / April 1997, p. 37.
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