
Mathieu Equation and Elliptic Curve

Mathieu Equation and Elliptic Curve
摘要 We present a relation between the Mathieu equation and a particular elliptic curve. We find that the Floquet exponent of the Mathieu equation, for both q《1 and q》1, can be obtained from the integral of a differential one form along the two homology cycles of the elliptic curve. Certain higher order differential operators are needed to generate the WKB expansion. We make a few conjectures about the general structure of these differential operators. We present a relation between the Mathieu equation and a particular elliptic curve. We find that the Floquet exponent of the Mathieu equation, for both q 〈〈 1 and q 〉〉 1, can be obtained from the integral of a differential one form along the two homology cycles of the elliptic curve. Certain higher order differential operators are needed to generate the WKB expansion. We make a few conjectures about the general structure of these differential operators.
作者 贺伟 缪炎刚
机构地区 School of Physics
出处 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第12期827-834,共8页 理论物理通讯(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 10675061 adn 11175090
关键词 MATHIEU方程 椭圆曲线 高阶微分算子 性周期 WKB 积分 N= 2 super-Yang-Mills, elliptic curve, Mathieu equation, WKB method
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