
厦门地区婴幼儿腹泻诺如病毒的基因分型研究 被引量:5

Detection and genotyping of norovirus in diarrhea infant feces in Xiamen
摘要 目的:了解厦门地区婴幼儿腹泻诺如病毒(Norovirus,NV)分子流行病学特征。方法:收集2010年5月-2011年4月全年轮状病毒抗原阴性的急性非细菌性腹泻标本,用实时荧光RT-PCR法扩增NV ORF1-ORF2结合区,测序扩增片段后进行比对、分型及构建系统进化树。结果:全年共获得366份标本,共检测出81份为NV阳性标本,其中GI组5例,GII组76例,NV在厦门地区全年可见散发,但在每年7月和11月有明显的流行高峰,且腹泻感染患儿主要集中在3岁以下患儿,已分型的NV基因组(55例)以GII-4/2006b占绝对优势,其构成比达60.00%(33/55),其余为GII-3占25.45%(14/55),GII-6占5.45%(3/55),GII-2占3.64%(2/55),此外GII-12、GI-4、GI-5各占1.81%(1/55)。结论:厦门地区NV夏秋季发病率较高,GII-4/2006b变异株为优势株,且感染的NV可能存在病毒重组。 Objective:To give a systemic picture of the epidemiology and learn more about molecular characteristics and genotyping of norovirus in children in Xiamen.Methods: Stool specimens of nonbacterial acute diarrhea with rotavirus antigen-negative were collected from May 2010 to April 2011.One step real-time RT-PCR was used for detecting the ORF1-ORF2 junction regions of norovirus.The sequencing fragments of RT-PCR products were blasted in Genbank and classified.Phylogenetic trees were constructed by the neighbor-joining method.Results: 81 of 366 stool specimens were detected for the norovirus-positive,of which 5 cases belonged to GI group and 76 in GII group.Norovirus was prevalent year round with the peak season occurring in July and November.Norovirus diarrhea was concentrated in children under 3 years old.Among the sub-genotypes of GII group(55 cases had been genotyped successfully),GII-4/2006b was dominant,with a constituent ratio of 60.00%(33/55),and GII-3 accounted for 25.45%(14/55);GII-6,5.45%(3/55);GII-12,1.81%(1/55);GII-2,3.64%(2/55);GI-4,1.81%(1/55) and GI-5,1.81%(1/55).Conclusion: The peak season of norovirus diarrhea is summer and autumn in Xiamen.GII-4/2006b is the dominant genotype and there maybe many recombinant norovirus spreading in Xiamen.
出处 《中国卫生检验杂志》 北大核心 2012年第11期2654-2656,共3页 Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
基金 福建省卫生厅青年基金(2009A020046)
关键词 诺如病毒 病毒性腹泻 基因型 厦门 Noroviruses Virus diarrhea Genotype Xiamen
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