2012年11月6日,在德国驻蒙古国大使馆,德国曼商用车辆股份公司(下简称德国曼)与蒙古NOMIN Holding公司(下简称NOMIN)举行了盛大的签约仪式,确定双方将在蒙古国首都乌兰巴托建立德国曼在蒙古国的第一家商用车4S店(含曼展厅),可以提供包括整车展销、配件、服务、
Nov.6,2012,German based MAN signed a business agreement with Mongolia based NOMIN Holding Company to set up MAN’s first 4S Station in Mongolia. The 4S station, expected to open to business some time in 2013, will firstly focus on truck business. This business agreement marked the beginning of MAN’s long term business strategy in Mongolia market.
Commercial Vehicle