目的了解宜兴市2005-2011年梅毒的流行病学特征,为今后制定性传播疾病的防治策略提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法描述梅毒疫情的流行特征。结果 2004-2011年,宜兴市梅毒发病率快速增长,年平均增长率为34.42%;病例数的年平均增长率为38.70%;梅毒分期中以早期显性(一、二期)梅毒为主,占71.97%,其中隐性梅毒增长速度最快;男女性别比为1.18∶1;发病年龄集中在20~岁、30~岁、40~岁年龄组,其中男性发病年龄集中在30~岁和40~岁组,女性发病集中在20~岁组和30~岁组;职业以农民和工人发病最多。结论宜兴市梅毒发病率正呈快速增长趋势。应加强健康教育和高危、重点人群的监测,规范梅毒诊治,以有效遏制梅毒的流行。
Objectlve To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of syphilis in Yixing from 2005 to 2011 and provide scientific reference for further control of the disease. Method Descriptive epidemiological analysis of the data on syphilis epidemics in Yixing from 2005 to 2011 was conducted. Results The incidence rate of syphilis increased rapidly in Yixing,and the average annual increase of incidence rate and reported case of syphilis were 34.42% and 38.70%, respectively. The cases were mainly early stage (primary and secondary),accounted for 71.97%. The incidence rate of latent syphilis was the fastest growing in all syphilis cases.Most patients were 20-,30-,40- years old.The highest incidence of males was found in the 30- to 39- year-old group and that of females was in the 20- to 39- year-old group. Farmers and workers were the primarily affected occupations. Conclusion In view of the rapidly growing prevalence of syphilis in Yixing, we should improve health education, promotion of safe sex activities and surveillance of high-risk group and standardize the treatment of syphilis for controlling the prevalence of syphilis.
Journal of Tropical Medicine
epidemic features
descriptive analysis