
高反射屋顶涂料对建筑能耗的影响 被引量:6

Effect of High-reflection Roof Coating on Building Energy Consumption
摘要 针对在美国发展迅速的冷屋顶技术,分析了其技术特点,结合重庆地区的气候特征,采用Energy Plus软件模拟了冷屋顶对该地区建筑全年能耗的影响,并根据该地区建筑屋顶反射率的测试结果,分析了冷屋顶在重庆地区的应用潜力。对冷屋顶技术在中国的推广应用研究提供了一定的参考。 The research on cool roof in USA was made much progress. The characteristics of the cool roof was analyzed and the whole-year energy consumption in Chongqing was simulated using the software of Energy Plus. With the data from the investigation, the application potential of cool roof in Chongqing is huge. The research is valuable for the application of cool roof in China.
出处 《材料导报(纳米与新材料专辑)》 EI CAS 2012年第2期295-297,共3页
基金 国家自然科学基金(51178481 50808182 50838009) 中央高校基本科研业务费(CDJZR10 210008) 中美合作项目(2010DFA72740-03-06) 国家科技支撑项目(2011BAJ06B03-2)
关键词 冷屋顶 可行性研究 高反射涂料 cool roof, application feasibility, high-reflection coating
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