Objective: To assess the diagnostic value and potentially protective capacity of tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin 1 β (IL-1 β) and heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) in chronic bacterial prostatitis (CBP) and chronic prostatitis/chronic pel- vic pain syndrome (CP/CPPS). Methods: We determined the levels of cytokines TNF-α, IL-1 β and HSP70 by ELISA in the semi- nal plasma of 150 men: 36 with CBP, 43 with CP/CPPS ⅢA, 46 with CP/CPPS ms, and 25 healthy controls. We analyzed the cor- relation of the HSP70 expression in the CBP and CP/CPPS patients with the chronic prostatitis symptom index (CPSI). Results : Sig- nificantly increased levels of TNF-α, IL-1β and HSP70 were observed in the seminal plasma of the CBP patients as compared with theCP/CPPS patients and healthy controls. The expression of IL-1β was significantly higher in the patients with CP/CPPS Ⅲ A than in those with CP/CPPS ⅢB and the controls, while the HSP70 level remarkably lower in those with CP/CPPS than in the controls, and its concentration in the seminal plasma of the CBP patients was negatively correlated with CPSI. Conclusion : The levels of HSP70 and IL-1β in the seminal plasma appear to be most reliable molecular biological markers for the diagnosis of CBP and CP/CPPS, respective- ly. HSP70 has an important protective role in the regulation of cell functions in CBP patients. CP/CPPS is probably detrimental to the function of T cells and consequently suppresses the expression of HSP70.
National Journal of Andrology