目的探讨空心钻头在DHS治疗股骨转子间骨折手术中的作用。方法 2007年1月~2012年6月,将52例DHS内固定患者按术中不同的操作方法分为两组,其中常规组28例,应用空心钻头组24例,分别从术中导针平均穿针次数、C臂机的平均曝光次数、手术平均时间、术中平均出血量等方面进行统计分析。结果常规组与应用空心钻头组在术中平均穿针次数方面比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);应用空心钻头组在术中C臂机的平均曝光次数、手术平均时间、术中平均出血量等方面明显少于常规组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论应用空心钻头辅助DHS治疗股骨转子间骨折是一个可行、有效的方法,可缩短手术时间,减少患者术中失血量,并降低医患双方受X线辐射的剂量,值得推广应用。
Objective To explore the role of hollow bit in DHS treating intertrochanteric fracture.Methods 52 cases were divided into two groups according to the different operation methods from January to June 2007,conventional group of 28 cases,hollow bit group of 24 cases,contrast parameters including the average times of feeding needle and X-ray exposure,operation time,amount of bleeding.Results It had no significant difference(P0.05) in feeding needle times,but the average of X-ray exposure times,operation time and amount of bleeding in hollow bit group were obviously less than conventional group(P0.05).Conclusion DHS with hollow bit was a feasible and effective method in treatment of intertrochanteric fracture,which could shorten the operation time,decrease the amount of bleeding,reduced the radiation dose of doctors and patients,so it was worthy of promotion.
China Medicine And Pharmacy