目的评价术前综合视觉电生理检测在预测白内障术后视功能评估中的作用。方法回顾笔者所在医院2011年3月~2012年3月白内障患者146例,术前视力>0.02,双眼手术患者选用术前视力较好眼,术前用TEC-350视觉电生理检查系统检测图形视诱发电位和闪光视网膜电流图,记录P100波及b波的振幅及潜伏期。术后3d查矫正视力,根据术后矫正视力将患者分为3组,A组视力<0.2,36例,B组视力0.2~0.5,64例,C组视力>0.5,46例,分别计算3组术前P100波及b波的振幅及峰时平均值,并比较3组之间的差异。结果 A组P100波振幅平均值(3.7±0.5)uV,潜伏期平均值(112.3±20.1)ms,b波振幅平均值(21.9±3.5)uV,潜伏期平均值(56.6±18.4)ms;B组P100波振幅平均值(9.5±4.6)uV,潜伏期平均值(100.5±22.2)ms,b波振幅平均值(42.4±12.6)uV,潜伏期平均值(56.2±15.4)ms;C组P100波振幅平均值(10.9±1.2)uV,潜伏期平均值(98.5±17.4)ms,b波振幅平均值(45.6±19.4)uV,潜伏期平均值(55.2±10.4)ms;3组之间有统计学差异,A组与B组﹑A组与C组之间P100的振幅及潜伏期﹑b波的振幅差异有统计学意义,b波的潜伏期差异无统计学意义,B组与C组之间P100波及b波振幅及潜伏期差异均无统计学意义。结论分析P-VEP的P100波及F-ERG的b波振幅及潜伏期,对白内障术后视功能评估有一定的指导作用。
Objective To evaluate the effect of preoperative integrated visual electrophysiological examination in predicting post-cataract surgery visual function assessment.Methods 146 patients with cataract,whose preoperative eyesight was more than 0.02,treated in our hospital from March 2011 to March 2012 were analyzed retrospectively.The eye with better eyesight was chosen in case of binocular surgery.Before the surgery,visual electrophysiological examination system TEC-350 was used to detect the pattern visual evoked potential and the flash electroretinogram,recording amplitude and latency of P100 wave and b-wave.The corrected vision was detected three days after the surgery,according to which the patients were divided into three groups:group A with eyesight 0.2 and 36 patients,group B with eyesight from 0.2-0.5 and 64 patients,and group C with eyesight 0.5 and 46 patients.The mean values of amplitude and latency of P100 wave and b wave of the three groups were calculated and compared.Results In group A,the mean value of P100 wave amplitude wa(s3.7±0.5) uV,the mean value of P100 wave latency was(112.3±20.1)ms,the mean value of b wave amplitude was(21.9±3.5)uV,the mean value of b wave latency was(56.6±18.4)ms.In group B,the mean value of P100 wave amplitude was(9.5±4.6)uV,the mean value of P100 wave latency was(100.5±22.2)ms,the mean value of b wave amplitude was(42.4±12.6)uV,the mean value of b wave latency was(56.2±15.4)ms.In group C,the mean value of P100 wave amplitude was(10.9±1.2)uV,the mean value of P100 wave latency was(98.5±17.4)ms,the mean value of b wave amplitude was(45.6±19.4)uV,the mean value of b wave latency was(55.2±10.4)ms.There existed statistical differences between the three groups,with statistically significant difference between group A and group B,and group A and group C in the P100 wave amplitude and latency,and b wave amplitude,without statistically significant difference in b wave latency,and without statistically significant difference between group B and group C in P100 and b wave amplitude and latency.Conclusion Analysis of the amplitude and latency of P100 wave of P-VEP and b wave of F-ERG has certain directive effect on the visual function assessment after cataract surgery.
China Medicine And Pharmacy
Visual electrophysiology
Post-cataract surgery
Visual function assessment