目的通过制备^131I-NGR进行人CD13表达细胞株的体外筛选,探讨NGR对不同肿瘤的靶向性。方法设计合成NGR短肽,以Iodogen法对NGR进行^131I标记,探讨Iodogen法标记的最佳实验条件及标记物性质。将20μl标记产物置于双倍体积的生理盐水和新鲜人血清中混合,在室温和37℃下分别于2、12和24h时用TLC测定放化纯,评价产物的体外稳定性。通过细胞免疫荧光实验和蛋白印迹实验检On,0HT-1080、HUVEC、HepG2、U87Mg、PC-3、HT-29和MCF-7细胞株的CD13表达。对阳性表达细胞株进行^131I-NGR受体分析。以四甲基偶氮唑蓝(MTF)法测定不同浓度Na^131I、NGR和^131I-NGR在24、48和72h对HT-1080和HT-29细胞株的体外生长抑制率,采用单因素方差分析进行统计分析。结果成功标记^131I-NGR,最佳标记条件为^131I18.5MBq、NGR10μg和Iodogen20μg,标记率为(93.7±2.5)%,比活度达1.41TBq/mmol。标记后稳定性良好,24h后标记率仍〉87%。免疫荧光实验和蛋白印迹实验结果证实HT-1080、HUVEC、HepG2、U87Mg和PC-3细胞株CD13表达均为阳性,其中HT-1080细胞株为强阳性,而HT-29和MCF-7细胞株CD13为阴性表达。HT-1080细胞体外受体结合实验提示1h为最佳结合时间,测得蚝值为7.3nmol/L,Bmax为0.302nmol/L。与HT-29细胞相比,^131I-NGR对HT-1080细胞株的生长抑制作用更强,并呈一定的剂量-效应和时间-效应关系;在72h时,3700MBq/L ^131I-NGR对HT-1080的抑制率达(67.9±3.4)%。结论经Iodogen法制备^131I-NGR具有标记时间短、标记率高且标记产物稳定性好的特点。体外实验筛选出CDcr表达强阳性的人肿瘤细胞株HT-1080,其与^131I-NGR结合特异性高。
Objective To synthesize TM I-NGR peptide and use it to screen CD13 expression in dif- ferent tumor cell lines in vitro. Methods NGR peptide was synthesized and labeled with 131I by the Iodo- gen method. The radioehemical purity was evluated with TLC. Stability was tested in double volume of nor- mal saline and fresh human serum at room temperature and 37 ~C at 2, 12 and 24 h after labeling. Immuno- fluorescence and Western blot experiments were used to detect CDI3 expression on HT-1080, human umbili- cal veins endothelial cell (HUVEC) , HepG2, U87Mg, PC-3, HT-29 and MCF-7 tumor cell lines. Binding affinity of CD13 positive cell lines with 1311-NGR was detected by a radiochemica] receptor assay. The lethal effect of various dosages of NaTM I, NGR and 1311-NGR was measured by an 3-(4,5-dimethyhhiazol-2-yl) -2, 5-diphenyhetrazolium bromide (MTr) assay on HT-1080 and HT-29 cells lines after 24, 48 and 72 h incu- bation. The cell inhibitory rate was analyzed by one-way analysis of variance. Results NGR was success- fully synthesized and labeled with 131I. Optimized labeling conditions were 18.5 MBq 131I, 10 μg NGR and 20 Ixg Iodogen. The labeling yield of 131I-NGR was (93.7 ±2.5)% , and specific activity was 1.41 TBq/mmol. 131I-NGR was stable with a radiochemical purity of more than 87% at 24 h. Immunofluorescence experi- ments and Western blot demonstrated that HT-1080, HUVEC, HepG2, U87Mg and PC-3 cell lines were positive for CD13 expression, while MCF-7 and HT-29 ceils lines were negative. The binding affinity of 131I- NGR with CD13 in HT-1080 cells was examined by a receptor binding assay and resulted in Kd = 7.3 nmol/L and Bin= = 0. 302 nmol/L. MTT assay showed that 131I-NGR had a much stronger growth inhibitory effect on HT-1080 ceils than HT-29 cells. The inhibitory rate of ^131I-NGR (3700 MBq/L) on HT-1080 was (67.9 ± 3.4) % at 72 h; while on HT-29 cells, the rate was merely (4.0 ± 0.5 )% at the same time point. Con- clusions 131I-NGR can be efficiently prepared and very specifically targeted to CD13 positive human tumor cell lines. Tumor-targeted imaging and internal radiotherapy with 131I -NGR needs further research.
Chinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging