Honghu Lake is the seventh largest freshwater lake in China and located in the Jianghan Lakes which is in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. It is taking an important mission of water suppply, .flood stoarge and drainage, pollution self-purification, agricultural and fishery production, and is also a carrier of shiping and tourism. After a number of changes in the history, Honghu Lake shows its ecological complexity and diversity among the similar lakes. This thesis explains the formation and environmetal evolution of Honghu Lake, and summaries the main paimary drivers and its mechanism as follow: geological activities and flooding of the Yangtze River laid the foundation of honghu Lake; The paleoclimate environment promoted Honghu area changes and swampiness; Modem human activities has further exacerbated the degeneration of ecological environment in Honghu Lake; the Three Gorges Project will promote the restoration of Honghu ecological environment, but may also exacerbate the sediment deposition.
Value Engineering
Honghu Lake
environmetal evolution
driving force