在用AutoCAD绘图软件绘制焊接结构图时 ,由于软件本身没有自带的焊接符号图库 ,所以使用起来绘图的效果和标准化都受到影响 ,因此开发出适合我国国家标准或行业标准的图形库及基础数据库甚为重要。本课题就是在这种背景下 ,建立常用焊接符号的图素库 ,利用AutoCAD自身的开放式结构将我国常用的焊接符号图素制成块文件 ,并集成文件库 ,然后制成图标菜单 ,以解决绘图时的重复性操作 。
When making a graph of welding structure with drawing software in AutoCAD,both your work efficiency and the library standardization of the graph were affected,because the software itself has no welding graphics symbols icon library.The refore it is necessary to develop a graph library and a basic data library with state standard or industry standard that applies to our country.This article discusses how to establish a library of welding graphics symbols which are often used and how to make use of the open structure in AutoCAD to develop the welding graphics symbols into graph block files,then collect them to form an icon filing library to make an icon menu.With this menu,we can not only avoid the repeated work in graph ,and raise our work efficiency but also make the graphs standardized.
Journal of Huangshi Polytechnic College