为不同业务提供不同的服务质量保证(QoS)是IEEE 802.16无线Mesh网络关键问题。针对IEEE 802.16无线Mesh网络分布式资源分配问题,文中提出了一种基于广义纳什讨价还价解的资源分配方法。此方法结合多射频多信道的协议干扰模型,利用广义纳什讨价还价解,联合信道分配和自适应调制编码技术(AMC),定义业务端到端流量的效用函数,根据业务不同的讨价还价能力来提供业务的QoS保证。通过拉格朗日对偶原理,各个用户在分布式的情况下对对偶问题进行求解获得各自的速率分配方案,使用户在分布式的情况下以合作方式竞争资源,既能保证高优先级流的QoS,并使网络整体性能达到帕累托最优。实验结果表明所提方法能兼顾网络性能和用户优先级。
Supporting quality of service for different traffics in IEEE 802.16 wireless mesh network is very important. This paper studies the problem of resource allocation problem in IEEE 802.16 wireless mesh networks, and a resource allocation algorithm based on the cooperative game theory of generalized Nash bargaining solution (NBS) for multi-radio multi-channel networks is proposed. In the proposed algorithm, the generalized NBS mechanism is combined with the adaptive modulation, channel allocation and multi-radio multi-channel interference model for the end-to-end traffic flow in IEEE 802.16 wireless Mesh networks. Bargaining power is used to ensure the quality of service required by the traffic flows. Each user can obtain its speed allocation scheme in distributed and decentralized manner by solving Lagrange daulity problem,and users compete resources cooperatively.The proposed algorithm ensures the quality of service of traffic flows with high class and throughput of the whole network. Simulations show that our algorithm can effectively improve the performance of the whole network to Pareto optimality and the quality of service of different traffic flows.
Journal of Circuits and Systems