目的分析流行性腮腺炎暴发的原因和发病特点,为今后的防病工作提供参考。方法对疫情资料进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 2010年5月13日发现首发病例,截至6月24日共发病60例,罹患率为12.02%(60/499)。流行呈3个发病高峰,病例出现班级聚集性。60例患者均无流行性腮腺炎疫苗接种史。经采取隔离治疗、应急接种、健康教育等措施后疫情得到控制。结论疫情迟报、病例未严格隔离、疫苗接种率低是流行性腮腺炎暴发的主要原因。提高人群免疫接种率是防止暴发最有效的措施。
Objective To analyze the cause and clinical feature of mumps and provide reference for the further work. Method Do descriptive epidemiologic analysis on the epidemics data. Results The first case was found on 13 May, 2010, and a total of 60 cases had been found until 24 June, with the attack 1ate of 12. 02% (60/ 499) . The epidemics presented three peaks and class aggregation. No one of the 60 cases had vaccination history. The epidemics had been effectively controlled after treatment in isolation, contingency vaccination, health education and other measures. Conclusions The major causes of epidemics of mumps were delayed re- port of epidemics, loose separation of cases and low vaccination rate. Improving the immunization rate was the most effective measure to prevent the outbreak of mumps.
Journal of Medical Pest Control