Let G be a 2-connected weighted graph such that dw (u) + dw (v) ≥2d for every pair of nonadjacent vertices u and v in G. Bondy et al. proved that G contains either a Hamilton cycle or a cycle of weight at least 2d. If G is not hamiltonian, then this theorem implies the existence of a cycle of weight at least 2d, but in case of G is hamiltonian we cannot decide whether G has a heavy cycle or not. In this paper, motivated by a paper of Fujisawa et al., we prove that if G is triangle-free and IV(G)I is odd, then G contains a cycle of weight at least 2d even in case of G is hamiltonian.
Journal of Mathematical Study
supported by NSFC(11271300)
the Scientific Research Program of Shaanxi Provincial Education Department(09JK609)