
Ore度和条件下赋权triangle-free图中的重圈(英文) 被引量:1

Heavy Cycles in Triangle-free Weighted Graphs under Ore's Degree Condition
摘要 设G是一个2-连通赋权图,且G中每一对不相邻顶点u和v都满足d^w(u)+d^w(v)≥2d.Bondy等人证明了G或者包含一个哈密尔顿圈,或者包含一个权至少为2d的圈.如果G不是哈密尔顿图,这个结论意味着G中包含一个权至少为2d的圈.但是当G是哈密尔顿图时,我们不能判断G是否包含一个权至少为2d的圈.这篇文章中,在Fujisawa的一篇文章的启发下,我们证明了当G是triangle-free图并且|V(G)|是奇数时,G中一定包含一个权至少为2d的圈,即使G是哈密尔顿图. Let G be a 2-connected weighted graph such that dw (u) + dw (v) ≥2d for every pair of nonadjacent vertices u and v in G. Bondy et al. proved that G contains either a Hamilton cycle or a cycle of weight at least 2d. If G is not hamiltonian, then this theorem implies the existence of a cycle of weight at least 2d, but in case of G is hamiltonian we cannot decide whether G has a heavy cycle or not. In this paper, motivated by a paper of Fujisawa et al., we prove that if G is triangle-free and IV(G)I is odd, then G contains a cycle of weight at least 2d even in case of G is hamiltonian.
作者 陈冰 张胜贵
出处 《数学研究》 CSCD 2012年第4期342-349,共8页 Journal of Mathematical Study
基金 supported by NSFC(11271300) the Scientific Research Program of Shaanxi Provincial Education Department(09JK609)
关键词 重圈 赋权度(和) triangle-free图 Heavy cycle Weighted degree (sum) Triangle-free graph
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  • 1Bondy J A, Murty U S R. Graph Theory. Springer, 2008.
  • 2Bondy J A, Fan G. Optimal paths and cycles in weighted graphs. Ann Discrete Math, 1989, 41: 53-69.
  • 3Bondy J A, Broersma H J, Van den Heuvel Jet al. Heavy cycles in weighted graphs. Discuss Math Graph Theory, 2002, 22: 7-15.
  • 4Fujisawa J, Fujita S,. Yamashita T. Heavy cycles in hamiltonian weighted graphsAKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics, 2004, 1: 99-102.
  • 5Bondy J A, Fan G. Cycles in weighted graphs. Combinatorica, 1991, 11: 191-205.









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