

Theoretical Base,Practical Value with the Scope Extension of Innovation Concept,and Some Suggestions
摘要 创新显然是一个热门词汇,但对于创新概念范畴具体应该包括什么,并据此展开科学测度、应用,则一直有些模糊。研究表明,目前将创新概念范畴主要限制在技术领域的做法应予改变——无论是从理论角度展开的思考,还是从实践角度进行的探讨,均可获得充分的理论依据或价值佐证。此外,就如何理解和应用拓展的创新概念范畴,结合现实背景提出几点具有操作性的建议。 Innovation is really a hot word. But to some questions, such as what should be included in innovation and how to estimate innovation scientifically based on the fight understanding of this concept, we are still vague. This paper considers that, instead of limiting the innovation concept in technical innovation field, we should extend the scope, not only for theoretical reasons, but also in practical view. Besides, this paper gives some suggestions according to the reality with how to understand and use the extended scope of innovation.
作者 黄福宁
出处 《科技与经济》 CSSCI 2012年第6期16-20,共5页 Science & Technology and Economy
基金 中国博士后科学基金面上项目--"提升创业板上市公司创新投入效率的对策研究"(项目编号:2012M520354 项目负责人:黄福宁)成果之一
关键词 创新概念 范畴拓展 理论依据 实践价值 concept of innovation scope extension theoretical base practical value
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