
人乳头瘤病毒配合液基细胞学检测在早期宫颈癌筛查中的应用 被引量:2

Application of human papilloma viruse combined with liquid-based cytology detection in early screening of cervical cancer
摘要 目的:探讨宫颈液基细胞学检查(TCT)联合高危型人乳头瘤病毒(HPV-DNA)检测进行妇女宫颈癌早期筛查的价值。方法:对我院妇科门诊接受宫颈病变筛选的妇女共1845例,随机分成3组;A组,162例,进行TCT和HPV检查;B组,515例,进行TCT检查;C组1168例,仅行宫颈刮片检查。对任何一项阳性皆行阴道镜多点活检,以病理结果为金标准。结果:A组162例中,共查出CINI10例、CINⅡ~Ⅲ8例、宫颈癌1例;HPVl6.18检测阳性6例中3例细胞学筛查为阴性。经组织病理检查结果为:CINⅢ2例,筛查阳性符合率94.6%。B组共查出CINI16例、CINⅡ-Ⅲ8例,宫颈癌2例,筛查阳性符合率62.4%。C组共查出CINI5例、CINⅡ—Ⅲ2例,筛查阳性符合率22.5%。A组与B,c组相比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。 Objective: To investigate the value of liquid-based cervical cytology(TCT)combined with high-risk types of human papillomavirus(HPV-DNA)detection in early screening cervical cancer in women. Methods: A total of 1845 women of cervical lesions screening in our hospital, were randomly divided into three groups, group A (162 cases)with TCT and HPV testing; B group (515 cases) with TCT examination and C group (1168 cases) with only cervical smear in which any positive case was perfomed colposcopy of multiple biopsy pathology(the result as the gold standard). Results: Uncovered a total of 162 cases in the A group, there was CIN Ⅰ 10 cases,CIN Ⅱ-Ⅲ 8 cases and 1 case of cervical cancer. HPV16 of 18 six cases in A group,3 cases tested positive cytology was negative in which the result of the pathological examination was CIN Ⅲ 2 cases (screening positive coincidence rate of 94.6%). In B group, there was CIN Ⅰ 16 cases, CIN Ⅱ - Ⅲ 8 cases and 2 cases of cervical cancer in which cervical cancer screening positive coincidence rate was 62.4%. In C group,there was CIN I 5 cases, CIN Ⅱ - Ⅲ 2 cases in which screening positive coincidence rate was 22.5%.Compared with group B and C, the difference was statistically significant in A,B and C group(P〈0.01 ).Conclusion: TCT combined with HPV-DNA is ideal for early cervical cancer screening method.
作者 杨晓棠
出处 《甘肃医药》 2012年第12期896-898,共3页 Gansu Medical Journal
关键词 人乳头瘤病毒 液基细胞学检测 早期宫颈癌筛查 HPV TCT cervical cancer screening
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