
论《宣叙》的叙事策略 被引量:1

On the Narrative Strategy in Recitatif
摘要 《宣叙》运用不可靠叙述、限制叙述和多层次的动态叙述的叙事策略消解了叙述者的叙事权威。小说中,罗伯塔对于麦吉的追问和关心象征了新一代的年轻黑人不再逃避难以言说的历史和伤痛,力图寻求本民族的精神和主体意识,同时与特怀拉象征的白人民族寻求一种民族融合。 The adoption of unreliable narration, restricted narration and multiple-dimensional dynamic narration in Reci- tatif decomposes narrator's narrative authoritativeness. In the novel, the detailed inquiry and care of Roberta for Maggie symbolizes the new blacks no longer elude the unspeakable history and hurt, trying to seek the native spirit and conscious- ness and the merge with the white symbolized by Twyla.
作者 史敏
出处 《安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第4期31-33,共3页 Journal of Anhui University of Technology:Social Sciences
基金 广东省哲学社会科学"十一五"规划项目:诺贝尔获奖作家莫里森小说的叙事策略和文本建构(09K-04)
关键词 不可靠叙述 限制叙述 多层次的动态叙述 叙事策略 unreliable narration restricted narration multiple--dimensional dynamic narration narrative strategy
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