主观题评分差异太大时需要组织评分员进行重评,费时费力,而且仍有可能达不到期望的效果。本研究用残项调整模型(UAdj scheme)对评分员给出的差异较大的分数进行了客观、数学上的调整,调整后的分数差异缩小,分数更接近被试真实水平的期望值。用这种方法代替传统的人工复评可以提高主观题评分的效率和考试的信度。
When the scores of subjective items are greatly different rated by the two raters, rerating must be conducted, which is both time and energy consuming and at the same time the desired results may not be obtained. This study adjusts the score difference between the two raters by the UAdj Scheme. The adjusted score differences are lessened and the scores are closed to the examinees' true proficiency.This method can promote rating efficiency and test reliability.
journal of China Examinations