目的观察星状神经节脉冲射频联合阻滞治疗颈型颈椎病的临床疗效。方法选择颈肩部疼痛症状的颈椎病患者40例进行随机分组,A组20例进行星状神经节脉冲射频联合阻滞治疗;与B组20例进行星状神经节阻滞治疗进行比较,通过疼痛评分及工作生活满意度进行评估。结果 A组治疗后1个月15例病人疼痛完全缓解,5例病人部分缓解;6个月后18例病人疼痛评分为0分,0.1~3分的2例;工作及生活自理满意的为18例(P<0.01)。B组病人治疗后1个月疼痛完全缓解10例,5例病人部分缓解;6个月后疼痛评分为0分的11例,0.1~3分的3例;工作及生活自理满意的为10例(P<0.01)。结论星状神经节脉冲射频联合阻滞是一种治疗颈型颈椎病所致颈肩部疼痛症状的有效方法,近期疗效显著,远期疗效尚待观察。
Objective To observe the clinical effect of steallate ganglionblock combined with pulse radiofrequency in the treatment of cervical spondylopathy. Methods Forty patients with neck-shoulder pain symptoms of cervical spondylosis were enrolled and randomized into two groups: group A of 20 patients were treated with stellate ganglion block plus pulse radiofrequency, and group B of 20 patients received stellate ganglion block only. Pain score and life satisfaction were assessed with 6 months of follow up. Results 15 patients in group A reported complete pain relief and 5 patients got partial pain relief at one month, whereas only 10 patients in group B reported complete pain relief and 5 patients got partial pain relief. At 6 months, 18 patients in group A got zero pain score and 2 patients got 0.1 to 3 VAS scores, whereas 11 patients in group B got zero pain score and 3 patients got 0.1 to 3 VAS scores. For life satisfaction assessment, 18 patients in group A and only 10 in group B reported satisfctory results (P 〈0.01). Conclusions Stellate ganglion block combined with pulse radiofrequency therapy shows better clinical effect than stellate ganglion block alone in the treatment of neck-shoulder pain in patients with cervical spondylopathy. However long term effect awaits to be ascertained.
Clinical Medicine & Engineering
Cervical vertebra disease
Pulse radiofrequency
Stellate ganglion block