目的 调查广东省平远县棘隙吸虫及其他鱼源性吸虫混合感染情况。方法 对鱼类宿主取鱼鳃和鱼肉等组织 ,镜检囊蚴 ;用水洗过筛沉淀法粪检虫卵 ,部分虫卵阳性动物解剖检查。采用DNA -RAPD技术 ,比较福建棘隙吸虫广东株与福建株。结果 查出华支睾吸虫 (Clonorchissinensis)、东方次睾吸虫 (Metorchisorientalis)、福建棘隙吸虫 (Echinochasmusfujianensis)、日本棘隙吸虫 (E japonicus)、抱茎棘隙吸虫 (E perfoliatus)和钩棘单睾吸虫 (Haplorchispumilio) 6种。第二中间宿主为麦穗鱼等 11种 ,感染率 48 3% (182 / 377) ,有 92 4%的阳性鱼混合感染 2种以上吸虫囊蚴。保虫宿主狗、猫感染率 79 2 % (19/ 2 4) ,每只阳性动物均有 2种以上吸虫混合感染。 15个引物在福建棘隙吸虫广东株与福建株两者共获DNA片段 185个 ,共享度 (F) =0 984,遗传距离 (D) =0 0 16。结论 当地为人兽共患的多种鱼源性吸虫混合感染区。形态学观察和分子生物学检测结果相印证 ,福建棘隙吸虫广东株与福建棘隙吸虫福建株为同一虫种。
Aim To seek the possible existence of mixed infections of Echinochasmus fujianensis and other fish-borne tremtodes in Pinyuan county,Guangdong.Methods Metacercariae of trematodes were detected from gills,muscles and some other tissues of freshwater fish and examintd under microscopy Sedimentation pocedures were used to observe parasite ova in stool Adult worms were obtained from definitive animal hosts upon dissection Experimental animal infection were performed from metacercariae of E fujianensis strains in Fujian and Guangdong,and it's DNA analysis Random amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD).Results Six species of trematodes were found,including Clonorchis sinensis,Metorchis orientalis,E fujanensis, E japonicus,E perfoliatus and Haplorchis pumilio Eleven species of freshwater fish comprising Pseudorasbora parve were identified as the second intermediate hosts,with an average positive rate of 48 33%(182/377) The overall mixed infection animal were contracted with 2 or more species Dogs and cats were detected to be reservoir hosts,the total infection rate being 79 2%(19/24).92 4% of infecded fish were contracted with 2 or 6 speies of the metacercariae of trematodes 185 DNA fragments were obtained by 15 primers,F=0 894 and D=0 016 between E fujianensis Guandong and Fujian strain Conclusion There are six species of fish-borne trematodes which may cause infections in human and animal in the regions E fujianensis Guangdong stain and Fujian strain are the same species
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
福建省科技计划基金!资助项目 (No 98-Z - 1 56)