
论欧盟国际投资条约中的ISDM问题 被引量:2

ISDM in the EU's International Investment Treaties
摘要 里斯本条约的生效使缔结国际投资条约的权利由成员国让渡给欧盟,欧盟具有了对外缔结国际投资条约的专属权。投资者-国家争端解决机制(Investor-State Dispute Mechanism,IS-DM)是当今国际投资条约法中具有争议的重要问题之一。通过考查欧盟三机构对欧盟国际投资条约中ISDM的态度,国际上关于ISDM的三种不同做法,欧盟的初步缔约实践,以及欧盟成员国涉及投资者-国家仲裁的案件,可以预期未来欧盟国际投资条约中ISDM的可能表现形态。 The entering into force of the Lisbon Treaty transfers the power to conclude international investment treaty from EU's members to EU, and the latter will carry on the exclusive competence on making the international investment treaties. Investor - State Dispute Mechanism (ISDM) is one of the most controversial issues in the present international investment law. Through investigating the different attitudes of three EU branches to ISDM, three kinds of distinct practices on ISDM at the international level, the preliminary contracting practices of EU, and the emergence of investor - state arbitral disputes related to EU's member, the ISDM's modalities in the EU's future international investment treaties could be predicted.
作者 高波
机构地区 厦门大学法学院
出处 《商业研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第12期200-206,共7页 Commercial Research
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年资助项目"国际经济争端解决在环境保护中的作用--兼论中国政府环境规制权行的界限" 项目编号:09yjc820061
关键词 欧盟 国际投资条约 ISDM EU international investment treaty ISDM
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