
卧龙自然保护区的杨柳科植物 被引量:2

The Family Salicaceae in Wolong Nature Reserve
摘要 卧龙自然保护区位于青藏高原与四川盆地之间的过渡地带,总面积约为20万hm2(2 000 km2)。保护区内,杨柳科植物包含两个属、约29个天然种和一些天然杂种,即杨属(约5种)和柳属(约24种)。本文中,编制了分属检索表和各属的分种检索表,记述了各个种和变种,包括他们的正名、异名、文献引注、命名模式、本地区内海拔高度、地理分布等。保护区杨柳科植物区系具有丰富的种类,而且其中不乏奇特的分类群和大量其命名模式产于保护区的分类群。 Wolong Nature Reserve(WNR) is situated at the interim zone between the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and the Sichuan Basin ; its total area is about 200 000 hectares (2 000 km2). In WNR, the family Salicaceae comprises two genera with about twenty-nine natural species and some natural hybrids, i.e. Populus of about five species and Salix of about twenty-four species. In this paper,a key to the genera and the keys to the species for each genus are compiled, and all the species and varieties are described, including their correct names, synonyms,bibliographic references, nomenclatural types, altitude in this region, geographic distributions etc. The salicaceous flora of WNR is abundant in species and there is no lack of peculiar taxa et there are a great number of taxa whose nomenclatural types are from the Reserve ( type-locality) in them.
出处 《四川林业科技》 2012年第6期1-8,共8页 Journal of Sichuan Forestry Science and Technology
关键词 卧龙自然保护区 杨柳科 杨属 柳属 Wolong Nature Reserve, Salicaceae , Populus , Salix
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