以开发"送电线路导地线力学计算绘图"软件为例,介绍了如何在Excel 2007中利用Visual Basic语言开发一个能快速绘制各种设计气象条件、不同导地线型号的送电线路导地线应力弧垂计算及绘图的应用程序,供工程设计人员在Excel 2007二次开发中作为参考,从而提高绘图效率。
Taking the development of mechanical calculation and drawing software for conducting wire and ground wire of power transmission line as example, the author presented how to use Excel 2007 and Visual Basic language to develop an application software which permits rapid stress sag calculation and drawing for different types of conducting wire and ground wire of power transmission line under various meteorological conditions, aiming to provide reference for secondary development of Excel 2007 and higher drawing efficiency.
Guangxi Water Resources & Hydropower Engineering