
西北地区公共图书馆馆员继续教育研究 被引量:1

Study on Continuing Education of Public Librarians in Northwest Regions
摘要 图书馆工作的质量在很大程度上取决于图书馆员的专业水平。西北地区公共图书馆提高图书馆员的软实力,适应图书馆现代化发展的硬实力,是一个值得我们重视、研究的问题。通过对图书馆员继续教育研究的必要性,西北地区图书馆员接受继续教育的数据调查分析,结合东部发达地区经验,提出了改进西部地区图书馆员继续教育工作的建议,期待尽快提高西部地区图书馆员综合素质和服务质量。 The quality of library work depends largely on the Librarians' professional level. Northwest area public library, improve the Librarians' soft strength, to adapt to the development of library modernization hard power, is a worthy of our attention, study the problem. This article through to the Librarians' continuing education research necessity, northwest area Librarian Education Survey data analysis, combined with eastern developed areas experience, put forward to improve western area librarian's further education advice, look forward to improve the western region the comprehensive quality of the librarians and the quality of service.
作者 马月丽
机构地区 陕西省图书馆
出处 《农业图书情报学刊》 2012年第12期128-131,共4页 Journal of Library and Information Sciences in Agriculture
关键词 西北地区图书馆 公共图书馆员 继续教育 northwest regional library Public Librarian Continuing education
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