
腰椎有限元模型建立方法的研究 被引量:4

A method of establishing a finite element model of human lumbar
摘要 目的介绍一种基于CT扫描图像重建腰椎有限元模型的方法。方法通过CT扫描获得人体腰椎断层图片,在Mimics 10.0软件及Patran-Nastran中进行腰椎有限元建模,在此模型的L3椎体上表面加载500N轴向压力以模拟正常人站立时的情况,再分别在15NM力矩下进行屈、伸、侧弯以及扭转四个动作来验证模型的有效性。结果建立的腰椎有限元模型各方向的位移与符合真实情况,并且椎间盘应力分布接近现实。结论利用CT扫描技术建立限元模型的方法精确有效。 Objective To establish a finite element model of human lumbar based CT scanning images.Methods Using Mimics 10.0 and Patran-Nastran,a finite element model of human lumbar was establish by CT scanning images.L3 upper surfaces were loading 500N stresses to simulate a normal standing.Then,15NM torque were loading on L3 as flexing,stretch,lateral and bending,respectively.Results Displacement of the finite element model was according with the reality,and the stress distribution of intervertebral disc was close to reality.Conclusion The method of establishing finite element model based on CT scanning images is accurate.
出处 《生物骨科材料与临床研究》 CAS 2012年第6期5-7,66,共4页 Orthopaedic Biomechanics Materials and Clinical Study
关键词 腰椎 生物力学 有限元模型 Lumbar Biomechanics Finite element model
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