

Study on Occurrence Mechanism for Sino-foreign Joint Venture's Knowledge Transfer
摘要 分析了知识转移的内在动机与外在动机,深入探讨了中外合资企业知识转移的发生机理,揭示了控制、互补性知识的结合、组织间学习、知识流的异质性和知识存量的异质性的推动等中外合资企业知识转移行为的背后机理,对中外合资企业知识转移过程的黑箱的探索又向前迈进了一步。最后,指出了未来的研究方向。 This study analyzes the intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation for knowledge transfer, and explores the occurrence mechanisms for Sino-foreign joint venture' s knowledge transfer, and reveals internal mechanisms of knowledge transfer in Sino-foreign joint venture, such as control, combination of complementary knowledge, inter-organizational learning, driving force of heterogeneity of knowledge flows and knowledge stocks respectively. This study makes a step forward in the exploration of the "black box" in the process of Sino-foreign joint venture' s knowledge transfer. Finally, directions for future research are pointed out.
作者 任丽丽
出处 《当代经济管理》 2012年第12期26-33,共8页 Contemporary Economic Management
基金 河北省2012年社会科学基金项目(HB12GL062)
关键词 中外合资企业 知识转移 发生机理 Sino-foreign joint venture knowledge transfer occurrence mechanism
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