
重庆地区野生春兰伴生群落数量分类与排序 被引量:2

Quantitative Classification and Ordination of Wild Cymbidium goeringii Concomitant Communities in Chongqing
摘要 对重庆地区的春兰伴生群落进行了区系成分分析和数量分类研究,结果表明:春兰的伴生群落共有维管植物68科110属131种,属种系数大,区系丰富度小;用Pcord4.0的Twinspan程序可以将春兰伴生群落划分为2个群系(马尾松林和糙皮桦林)5个群丛;5个群丛分别为:Ⅰ.马尾松+白栎—铁仔—五节芒+蝴蝶花+春兰群丛;Ⅱ.马尾松+白栎—柞木+华西小石积+马桑—五节芒+沿阶草+春兰群丛;Ⅲ.杉木+马尾松+板栗—菝葜+盐肤木—五节芒+春兰群丛;Ⅳ.马尾松—水竹+板栗—五节芒+春兰群丛;Ⅴ.糙皮桦—川楝+朴树—蝴蝶花+蕨+春兰群丛.在空间结构上,春兰样地分层明显,75%样地的乔木层可以划分为3个亚层;除一块为火烧迹地的样地外,其余样地灌木层盖度一般为20%以下,草本层盖度一般在10%以下.由CCA排序可知,经度、纬度、海拔、干扰强度、夏季郁闭度及坡向是对植被分布具有重要影响的环境因子.通过相关分析显示,与春兰在群落中的重要值呈极显著和显著相关的环境因子是枯落层厚度和群落冬季郁闭度.由马尾松、壳斗科落叶树和春兰组成的群落是典型的春兰适生伴生群落;保护由马尾松和壳斗科落叶树组成的混交林对于春兰的保护是有利的. Celtis sinesis-I, japonica + Pteridium aquilinum var. latiusculum + C. goeringii. In the spatial struc- ture of 16 samples, the arbor layer of 75% of the sample quadrats was divided into three sub-layers. Except for a burned sample, the other shrub layers' coverage was generally below 20 %, and the herb layers' cov- erage was generally below 10%. CCA (canonical correspondence analysis) indicated that longitude, lati- tude, elevation, interference intensity, shade density in summer and aspect had important impacts on the vegetation types. Pearson correlation analysis showed C. goeringii was significantly related to depth of litter lay- er and shade density in winter. P. massoniana and Fagaceae deciduous trees were shown to be characteristic plants of C. goeringii concomitant communities. In conclusion, it is beneficial for C. goeringii protection to protect the mixed forest composed of P. massoniana and deciduous trees of Fagaceae.
作者 罗涛 何平
出处 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第12期72-80,共9页 Journal of Southwest University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30070080)资助
关键词 春兰 伴生群落 双向指示种分析法分类 CCA 重庆 Cymbidium goeringii concomitant community Twinspan classification CCA Chongqing
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